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adult dog housetraining

18 17:49:47

I have 3 dogs and am having trouble with a 4 year old poodle/terrier mix that has been a part of my family for 3 years.  All of the dogs are house broken except her. She was peeing on the carpet in my hallway. We had the carpet replaced with tile and now she is peeing in my daughters room. Most times this occurs while we are at home but not always. I am at a loss. I do not want to get rid of her as she is part of the family but I cannot have her peeing in my young daughters bedroom either. How do I fix this without traumatizing the dog or my family? Can you help me?

A simple answer, Suzanne, is to treat her like you would a puppy. Do not let her out of your sight, and when you are not at home, put her in a room where you know she will not go to the bathroom, or crate her; and, of course, take her out and let her go potty before you leave.

If you need to, use a 6ft leash and keep her attached to you or someone at all times, so you can be SURE to catch her and take her outside as soon as she begins showing signs that she's got to 'go.'

Just like with puppies, consistency is key. Because this has been going on for so long, it is going to take longer to remedy, but as long as you stick to the plan and do not allow her to potty in the house any more, it can be done.