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ferral as puppy/adult wetting problem

19 9:03:44

i rescued a feral male puppy. he lives with 3 other rescued dogs. although he urinates outside, he also pees on my living room carpet. i wasn't sure it was him until i video taped for hours. he knows when i find it cause he runs under the bed when i yell out after stepping in it. i've replaced the carpet and padding and he still does it. he is now at least a year old. i praise him when he goes outside, but he still does it when no one is looking. i need help!

Hi Marianne,

Your puppy runs under the bed because I'm sure he associates you making that yell with him being in trouble. Your puppy doesn't have a clue as to why he's in trouble.

To correct the situation, continue to praise him when he goes outside. However, you should keep him crated when you cannot watch him. He cannot be allowed to soil in your home. This will only prolong the situation.

Therefore do the following:
1. If you can't watch him like a hawk, then crate him.
2. If you catch him IN THE ACT, then is the time to yell and     
  rush him outside while scolding him.
3. Continue praising when he goes outside.
4. Make sure you are using a pet specific cleaner to remove  
  the urine smell.  
5. Be patient. Some dogs are potty trained in 2 months and  
  other dogs may take 2 years.

The bottom line is you want to take advantage of two natural dog behaviors. One is that a dog dislikes going where he lives. Make sure that he learns that the carpet area is part of your home by allowing him there UNDER SUPERVISION. Secondly, dogs do not continue to engage in unrewarding behavior. Make sure that any time he goes in the house that you catch him and correct him so that he deems the behavior as unrewarding.

Good Luck!