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Potty Training an English Bulldog

19 8:56:55

Our English Bulldog is 23 weeks old. We got him when he was 6 weeks. We started trying to potty train him immediately, even though we knew he could not hold it long at that age. We have a pet play pen that stays in our sun room that we keep him in when we cant give him our full attention in the house. We have a daily routine. We take him out at 6. Feed him and then take him out again. My husband takes him out one more time before he leaves for work at 8. I come home at 12 and take him out and my husband gets home at 4 and takes him out. He eats at 6 and then goes out. And goes out again before bedtime at 9. He was doing very well. We went a entire week and he did not use the bathroom in the house. Then we went on vacation and he spent 10 days at my sister-in-law's house. She does not work so she took him out every time he needed to go. Now that he is back home with us, he is peeing in the floor constantly! Every morning he has peed, and every day at lunch when I come home he has peed. And if we leave for long periods of time in the afternoons, he will pee in the floor. He also occasionally poops in the floor which he had not done in weeks before we went on vacation. I guess our vacation messed up his routine. How can we get him back on it. He wont stop peeing in the floor!

When a potty trained dog loses his pattern, you have to go back to basics. Treat him like an untrained puppy. He cannot be allowed freedom of the house until this problem is resolved. But of course, it will probably resolve quicker the second time. Carefully supervise him and manage by confining him when you cannot supervise. I'd also get him to the vet to make sure there is not a physical reason (like a urinary tract infection) contributing to the problem Sandy Case MEd CPDT