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Behavior problems

18 17:58:43

I have a 1 year old Miniature Schnauzer. We trained him to go outside and I
take him for walks so he can go. But recently he has been going outside after
I take him for a walk and he goes outside. Why does he do this? Another thing
is when we leave him at home when we are gone he chews everything he can
get his paws on. We leave out chew toys and he doesn't even touch them.
How can I stop him from doing this?

I think crate training is the answer to your problem. Visit my blog at Your dog should be in his crate whenever you can't watch him. When he comes in from going outside, watch him carefully so you can take him outside again if he looks like he's looking for a place to go or put him right in his crate when you come in and then take him outside again in 10 minutes or so to try again. Be sure to give him a treat when he goes outside (right then when he goes, not after he comes in the house) so he gets the idea that that's what he's supposed to be doing.