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Dog jumps on counters, Refrigerator,cabinet tops when Im not home

18 17:48:18


I don't even know where to begin with my dog.  I adopted her at about 4 months, she is a mixed breed (we think potentially a lab/border collie mix).  She is extremely athletic and very lean and sleek (she almost looks and acts like a cat).  She has separation and anxiety and unfortunately with my boyfriend's and I schedules she is home alone a lot during the day.  My boyfriend leaves around 8:00am and I get home around 7:00pm.  We do have a dog walker that comes every day from 1:00-1:30 to take her out for a walk and to go to the bathroom.  We have tried to crating her in the past but she has always HATED the crated.  She would go to the bathroom in it almost every day and eventually she cut her face up and broke her two bottom fangs (which I had to have pulled) trying to get out of the crate.  So for the past about 6 months she has had almost the run of the condo.  

Our condo is a lot style, so there is a door to the master bedroom but not to the second bedroom.  So she is kept out of the master bedroom but has the run of the rest of the place.  She has always loved the second bedroom as I think she feels safe and comfortable in that room.  I often find her under the bed in there when I get home.  Over the last month however, she has been peeing on both the carpet in there and on the bed.  Because of this we have tried to keep her out of that room completely through trying to barricade the doorway with baby gates, her old crate, I even resorted to putting the mattress up against the wall and doorway to try to prevent her from getting in, but everyday it is the same thing....she is always in that room!  Finally I had a door put on to keep her out of there and now I have an even bigger problem.  As you can see in the pictures attached, she has found another way into that room.  She is jumping on the counter, jumping on/over the refrigerator, and onto the top of the cabinets to jump into that bedroom (landing on the bed which is against the wall)!  I have tried barricading the top of the refrigerator as you can see in the pictures, we put aluminum foil all over the countertops.  We even have a shock collar on her with the inotec Zone on top of the counter and she could care less!

I honestly do not know what to do anymore to keep her from going in that room and staying off the counter tops.  Any suggestions you can provide would be GREATLY appreciated!

I believe my dog is part NINJA!


Get the shock collar off your dog.  This is ADDING to her misery and anxiety and possibly increasing the intensity of her reactions.  She's having panic attacks and being shocked in the middle of them.  Can you imagine what that must feel like?

You have a serious issue that you need professional help with. I could give the standard spiel on separation anxiety (and can point you to some websites below), but what you have described is so concerning, that I don't feel like the standard stuff is going to be of any help.  You need to see a veterinary behaviorist - a vet that has specialized in behavior and can help you with protocols and medication to relieve her anxiety.  Ask your regular vet to refer you to someone in your area.

In the meantime, get a Thundershirt on her:  Could you find a doggie day care so she doesn't have to spend so much time alone?

Here are some good websites for reference:

I wish I could do more to help, but this really isn't a training issue.  Your dog has a serious medical problem that needs immediate attention.