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abused german

19 9:00:39

I rescued a German thats 15 months old from a k9 training unit that said she was too small to join the program. she was malnourished and timid but both of those are going much better since we have had her for two weeks. the problem is whenever she does something bad like pee in the house or get into the trash we give her a very stern no and she cowers and wets herself. then when we go to carry her outside she crys uncontrollably and pees the entire time. what do we do????!!!

Hi Jessica,

Good for you for adopting this wonderful little dog. The answer to your question is so easy: stop giving her stern no's and stop carrying her outside! Holy crow you have no idea what this poor dog has probably had to live through in the last 15 months (I'd bet it was pretty harsh corrections and the corrections shut her down and that's why they didn't want her anymore.) Your already said she was abused and yet you are yelling at her and picking her up! She is scared to death!

First of all her peeing when she thinks she's in trouble is most likely submissive peeing and she has absolutely no control over that! She is scared and trying to make sure you don't hurt her. YOu probably aren't going to hurt her but she doens't know that!  You need to pretend this little girl is a puppy which means crate training. She should not have access to the trash or opportunities to pee in the house. She should not be allowed to make mistakes and the only way to do that with her is management, management, management! That doesn't mean scolding her; it means she is in her crate whenever you cannot directly supervise her and when she comes out of the crate she goes outside to potty and if she successfully does go outside you warmly praise her and give her a fabulous treat! If your dog is getting into the trash or peeing in the house, the mistake is not hers but yours. So stop scolding her and teach her what you want instead. You'll both be much  happier!
