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My pit bull has confidence issues

18 18:00:04

Well, my little pit bull is about 18 to 20 weeks old and she has very big self esteem issues. she doesn't listen to me at all, she runs when i walk near her, she pees when she's in trouble or when she's excited. when i first got her she was way worse but she did start to get better, but these past couple of weeks she has gotten worse, i don't know why she is. And i use firm voices and only reprimand her when she goes to the bathroom in the house or if she starts to play too rough. him not exactly what to do and i take her out on a pretty consistent schedule and she has started going outside when i take her, but she just runs from me if i try to get her. and when i take her outside she sometimes runs to the neighbors massive and rolls around in front of his cage while he sniffs her and i don't know exactly what that is about it. And i was wondering if you mind giving me advice.
thank you

Well, first off, you are doing the wrong thing by scolding her when she pees in the house.  When you do that, she will only learn to be afraid of you or to hide her pee.  What you want is for her to learn that the toilet is outdoors.  So, keep an eye on her in the house, or crate her if you can't watch her.  Take her outside every few hours and take her out after she wakes, eats, drinks or plays. Reward her for going outside and attach a cue, like "go pee" or "hurry up" as she finishes.  She should not be off leash if she doesn't yet know what "come" means.  To teach her, go to and get a copy of Leslie Nelson's video, "Really Reliable Recall" and do what the video says to do.  This dog should have been in puppy class by the time she was 10 weeks old, but do it now!!!!  Sign up with a good positive, or clicker, trainer, and don't work with anyone who uses harsh punishment.  Once she has her basic skills, sign her up for an agility class if you can.  It's a great confidence builder!