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anxiety around some dogs

18 17:57:10

QUESTION: My 2 1/2 yr old mixed breed (1/2 beagle, 1/3 golden and some Weimeraner and bull) male dog will bay and screech sometimes when he sees other dogs.  He gets so tense that he won't take a food bribe and is totally focused on the other dog.  He's gone through obedience and blew the CGC when it came to greeting other dogs.  He has no reaction to people, bikes, skate boards, etc.  He's very well mannered otherwise and a joy to own.  He's on his 3rd trainer with only slight improvement noted.

ANSWER: I would suggest a desensitization and socialization program. We've had a few customers with extremely fearful dogs, most had been abused and adopted.  This can be any breed of dog. There is a good video, Calming Signals, available from Amazon 4pawsu, etc. that deals with  this specific issue.  Dogs and other animals are confrontation aversive. They have no natural desire to waste energy and risk injury in a fight. The normal response is body language that tells the other critter "we can get along" either by being passive, or diverting its actions to another object: suddenly having interest in an object to avoid contact with the other dog. Dogs metrics vary from "warm and friendly" to frightened and snarling, or overly submissive, rolling over, peeing, at the other end.

It takes time and effort, several experiences per day for many weeks to handle the more severe issues.  You'll first have to get the dogs attention, then hold it while another dog is introduced to the area. The other dog must remain passive and disinterested. You also need to find your dog's hot buttton. What does your dog really enjoy?  We had a Beagle with a severe case that we found responded to a rubber toy that looked ike a giant jack (as in jacks and balls) and would do anything to have it. We used it as the reward and distractor and after 8 weeks, the dog was near normal, and we gave the toy to the owner to continue working with the dog. The dog now boards with us regularly and has gotten over most of his fear of people and other dogs.

Henry Ruhwiedel
Westwind Kennels LLC

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: He can spot other dogs before I can and he's so focused on the other dog that nothing will detract him.  I've tried rotisserie chicken, jerky, toys, all to no avail.  If I walk him further away, he continues the screeching until we're in the car.  I need to know what signals to look for.

ANSWER: You need to watch body language to see a change. It can be subtle. You can video record and then play back in slomo if needed to look for changes. Dogs have many different 'signals" that are detailed on the video I suggested. Not being there I can't help you look. You should get local help from a trainer and also check with a local vet familiar with behavioral problems. My beagles will bay, a natural expression, but respond to command.

Also you didn't mention if the dog was neutered. These could be mating calls or response to a female scent.

Henry Ruhwiedel
Westwind Kennels LLC

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: He was neutered at about 2 months when I rescued him. The screeching could very well be the baying thing but none of the 3 trainers that have worked with him noted this.  I have considered residential training for him but none is offered locally so I'm on my own.  Thanks for the info.  Barb

I am recommending you obtain a copy of a book, "The Dog that Loved Too Much."  A case book on behavior that covers a wide range of issues. Its available from Amazon, 4Pawsu and other sites. Without being to se the dog and work with it I con't do much more from a distance. The dog needs group obedience/socialization behavior modification.

Henry Ruhwiedel
Westwind kennels LLC