Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > Confused


18 17:50:20

Three weeks ago we adopted another dog, he's 6.  We have 2 other dogs, 10 and 6. I am having trouble with getting him to go outside without one of us to use the bathroom. The other dogs go out a million times a day and yet he will just stand at the door and won't go into the yard until one of us walk him into the yard to go to the bathroom. For the last three weeks we have walked him out and praised him for going. Although if we don't go out with him he won't move off the patio. When the others come in he will then mess in the house. This has only happened twice, because we are trying to break him of needing us to go to the bathroom. We are both confused as why he won't go out in the yard himself without one of us or with the other two dogs since it seems he understands that's where he is suppose to go. He is getting along good with my other dogs so I don't feel he is afraid of them.  We are confused.. can you help?

Thanks for asking your question!

If your dog seems to understand the concept of going to the bathroom in your yard, it may be that he doesn't understand the steps between the door and going to the bathroom. It could be that he had something surprise him when going outside at some point -- and it may have stuck with him and he just needs to work through it.

What you could try is go through the basic potty training steps and then start "weaning" him off you support by moving slightly away and then increasing your distance until he is okay going out on his own.

If this were my own dog, I might work with some yummy treats and practice going in and out the door. If your footing outside is patio or grass, you can work up to tossing the treat out so he goes farther every time.

I've included some links for you. If you need additional information let me know.

Good Luck! All kinds of good information on my web site. Specific to Potty Training.