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Distressed dog when left alone

18 17:59:05

Hi I have a 9 month old male,  not desexed, Rotty x Ridgeback that is having some boredom/anxiety issues when left alone during the day. The neighbours have a male bulldog and  say he crys constantly and jumps at their fence, apparently almost knocking it over and is geting big enough to now also get his paws on the top of the fence and put his head over which is worrying What can i do to stop this behaving as it is starting to annoy the neighbours. Is castration the answer?

Castration is one way to prevent dog to dog aggression, and should be done if you leave this dog alone outdoors.  It won't be long before he will think to escape to try to chase the ladies, and believe it or not, the aroma of a female in heat travels quite a distance.  Personally, I would not leave a dog outdoors unattended during the day - too much chance of theft or mischief.  But, if you must, there are some ways to make it better.  First, he is probably crying out of loneliness or boredom.  His environment is probably not stimulating enough, and he may not be getting enough exercise for a working breed.  Dogs rarely exercise themselves unless they are working or hunting, and this dog is doing neither, apparently.  Try to increase the level of exercise when you are there, and begin a serious training regimen (get in to class with a good clicker trainer, or positive trainer - you would be amazed at how much a dog can learn, and it's fun).  If your dog is annoying the neighbors, perhaps you need to consider keeping him inside during the day.