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New dog has problem going potty

19 9:04:01

Hi, I just adopted a sweet dog that had been left behind by it's owners. As far as I know she is two years old, spayed, house trained, and we think she is a cattle dog mix. She is about medium size and very over weight. The lady who rescued her didn't have any problems. Daisy (that's her name) went pee and poo out side in her large back yard and never had an accident. Now that I have her I live in a large appartment but do not have a fenced back yard. The yard is very large, green and shared by the other tenants. So I take Daisy out often on a leash and she goes pee just fine but she will not go poo. I've taken her on long walks, let her go as far from me as the leash will allow and have even sat outside for hours with her. The other day I took her to my mothers house who has a fenced yard and when I let her out she went poo like four times. How can I teach her to go poo while on a leash and in my community back yard?

Hi Shelley,

First, thank you for taking this dog and giving it a home!   

I have a few suggestions as I have had this similar problem.  Some dogs just don't like to go on a leash and it just takes time for them to adjust.   I'm glad you are keeping her on a leash when she's not in a fenced yard.

One thing that might help is for you to take a stool of hers and spread it around in a spot where you walk her.  I know that sounds gross, but if she smells it - it will help her to go..

The second thing is that dogs like to exercise before they go, so a good walk before you try this would likely help.   When she is on a leash -- try standing in one spot.  Attempt to get her to pace back and forth on one spot.  Kind of like walking a line back and forth.   This will simulate what they do on their own and will get her "in motion".   If you watch her in the fenced yard, you'll likely see a pacing motion before she goes.   You want to try to get her to do this.

Other than that, I can't think of much else to say other than -- have patience as she will go in time.
