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My 4 month old Dachshund is misbehaving.

19 9:03:48

I have a 4 month old Dachshund named Johnny. I had him for about 2 months now and he's out of control. It's got to where i can't take it any more. He chews on everything, regardless of how many chew toys we give him. He has dug at our carpet tearing it up really bad. He'll get on the couch and jump from there to the coffee table and knock everything off the table and then tear all that stuff up. I know he knows better because he only does it when no one is around, he wouldn't dare do these things while we were around because he knows better. We've tried keeping him outside to play and get his energy out but the minute we let him in and leave the room or the house he's tearing everything up. Please help me, i dont know what to do and I'm really tired of it.

Put him in a crate when you leave, Amanda. He doesn't do the things you described while you're away because he knows better; he does them because he is bored and he is a puppy. You should also consider enrolling him in an obedience class. It'll be good for the both of you.