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German Shepherd mix - Phalco

19 9:01:56

I got a nine month German Shepherd mix dog few days ago but he seems to be always scared.  His previous owner adopted him when he was 2 months old and has given him some basic training like sit, come and shake hand. She told me that he was hit on his head before she adopted him and left a scar on his head but it didn't cause any brian damage and he is a smart dog.  He tends to be very jumpy from any sudden noises and when I take him on his walks he easily gets scared from people.  He doesn't even bark back at people when they scare him.  Today, I was very upset because a fierced cat attacked him several times and he just ran away.  I was sure if he even barked one time at the cat he would have scared her off.  I like him and I think I can help him get better if I know how but it is important for him to be less scared and have courage.

Many Thanks,  

Chris, you need to keep taking him out and exposing him to things, but you need to also be sure that nothing bad (like the evil cat that attacked him) happens to him! You want ALL of his experiences to be positive! Don't allow people to deliberately do things that will frighten him.

The behavior your dog is exhibiting is fairly common among so-called 'backyard bred' or puppymill dogs. The window of opportunity for socialization will be closed before you know it, so it's extremely important that you socialize him now.

If he's afraid of strangers, then take him for walks in the park, BUT keep your distance from people. That doesn't mean that when you see someone approaching, that you should tighten up on the leash and try to get away from them. Instead, you should talk to him in a happy voice and encourage him to go along with you, and as you walk, give that approaching person a wide berth, as you praise your puppy. When he is scared, however, DO NOT praise him, or try to tell him 'it's ok.' Just continue along, patting your leg or telling him to come on in a happy, unconcerned tone of voice, and then praise him when he does. Your confidence will transfer down the lead.

You might also want to consider hiring a professional trainer/behaviorist that can show you other techniques to try.