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Puppy help!

18 17:50:34


Hello! I am so glad I found this site:)
I have an 8 week old chocolate lab puppy who we have had for 3 weeks now. She is crate trained, can sit on command, comes most of the time and usually only goes to the bathroom outside. We live in a condo, so we do have to carry her down the stairs since we don't want her to pee on the common areas of the condo. The problem I am having is that she will bite at my legs and pants when walking, and also when playing inside (only sometimes) she will continually bite at my hands and arms. Very hard. When I give her the "no bite" command, she continues to bite and snap at me, and I have also tried gently holding her mouth closed but she just continues as soon as I let go. She bares her teeth especially when I do this, and also snaps. When inside, I will walk away from her, or supply her with a toy when she is nipping and this normally stops it. But on walks I am not sure what to do. I will get her to sit, and tell her no bite, or will sit on the ground and tell her no..but again she will continue. I play with her outside 3x a day for 30 minutes twice, and almost an hour on other days. She has socialized with other dogs and does great, and I am keeping up play dates so this socialization continues. I am dedicated to improving this behaviour so I anxiously await your advice! p.s. she also knows how to give kisses, and we praise her like crazy when she plays properly and also gives kisses to the hands, or legs instead of the bites! Another note is that when we are outside we pretty much always have her on leash, even when she socializes, we will just drop the leash in the area. I don't know if that will help with your advice, but I wanted to let you know!

Hi Liz!

I believe if you create undesirable consequences when Roxy bites at you, it will ultimately curtain this behavior.  When she bites at you, immediately make a loud clap with your hands and say "no" in a very stern voice.  Don't reach for her or tug, or do anything to make her think you are playing a game.  If the clapping does not startle her, you may want to create a noise maker.  You can do this by taking an aluminum can and put several rocks in it.  Tape or somehow close the hole.  Carry this with you on walks and when Roxy bites at you shake the can - it will make a loud noise.  You can also try throwing the can at the ground next to Roxy.  The objective is to startle her and take her attention away from the undesired behavior.  Then you can even give a command such as sit, or something she already knows to do.

You can also check out this blog post for some ideas:

Good luck!