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dog that wont stay home

18 17:58:55

My dog Buddy, is part American bulldog and part lab. He came to our house about 2 yrs ago. He is about 2 1/2 yrs old. We had a sheperd female and she was like a mom to Buddy. This past  Thanksgiving Sandy passed away. Buddy has been very sad and lonesome. He looks so sad all the time.
 A week or so ago he found some play buddies at the end of our street. Now I can't get him to stay at home. He will come home at night to eat and sleep but ready to go at 5:oo in the morning. I have drove to the house  20 times now and brought him home. When he gets home, he is so sad . He does not want to be here.
I do not have a fence nor can I afford one at this moment. I don't really want to keep him on a chain for very long. Any suggestions?
Thank You,

The best solution to keeping your dog at home is to use a fence.

If the fence is not an option, the dog should only be outside while supervised and you may need to be outside with him and also have him on a leash.

You could walk him every day and that will help keep his mind stimulated and increase your bond.

Good Luck!