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reinforcement for how Im training my special circumstances rescue

19 8:59:25

Hi, I am a nurse and need an opinion. I work in the ED where a woman with dementia came for 18 hours with her little unkempt shih tzu sitting on top of her clothes in a cart. I was off, they called me and I came for him. He is 4 yo male going into an apt in NYC with 5 other lovely dogs and a cat. They were all fine together, except Rocky, marking his territory. I can't blame him, poor dear. However he is not neutered and I think has a UTI as his urine really has an odor. We go to the vet tomorrow. He also is toilet trained as he really pees alot and poops outside. He is smart, learned to climb 4 steep flights of stairs already. Instead of stressing everyone by watching him every minute, we are using belly bands. He doesn't seem to mind being wet. I hate crates so plan on letting him be with his indoor band until after the vet and neutering. Does this sound fair? He is a love and now my forever dog, as his Mom is in a nursing home, poor dear. Any hints would be appreciated. Also could he have a band forever if push comes to shove. Its too hard to watch constantly with all my babies. Thanks Jenny

Jenny, belly bands are really more for dogs who are incontinent and/or have 'marking' issues. They are not something I recommend as an alternative to watching the dog and taking him out for potty breaks as he needs to go. Of course, if the problem is a UTI, then that could be part of the problem. Have you ever had one? They are horrible!

Do you think he could be litter box trained? That might be something to think about, as it would give him a place to 'go' inside, IF he needs to and you are unable to take him out. He may already be accustomed to using wee wee pads, so you might try putting one down in a shallow litter pan to see if he will use it. If he doesn't seem to understand, then you will have to teach him, which requires that you remove the belly band and keep an eye on him constantly. Leashing him to you is one way of doing this.

I do not like the idea of relying on the belly band. He could very well develop sores and irritations on his belly from having his urine pressed against his skin for much of the time.