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19 9:00:08

my brother gave me his malitpoo, which he bought for his girlfriend since they didnt have time to take care of her. She is a monster! a cute monster, but a monster. she is 4 months. I take her out, and she still pees, and poops on the floor, the couch, and even my bed. She bites my fingers, toes and anything else she can find. I know these are all normal puppy tendencies, but how do i train her? I dont have the money to pay for a tranior. I would just like her to not use the bathroom inside, and sit when i tell her. How do i discpline her?!  

I am adding a link to my website with many training pages that will help.  I also have a selection of books on my website that will help you work with her to ensure her placement in your pack hierarchy correctly.

For the books, you will find links at the top of each page.