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stop my germanshepherd puppy biting

18 17:51:32

my german shepherd puppy is now 13 weeks old but he is biting and nipping us all to death . my family have had some right nasty cuts and graces from him. we have tried every  thing but nothing seems to be working the more we repremand him the more he does it

You'll find I've answered this a lot in past questions.  First, the dog is still tething, and needs a hard chew toy. Second you need to train and reward good behavior and not reward bad behavior. If the dog gets attention for biting, it has been rewarded. When people are around, put hte dog on alead so you can control it. Third, get one of those little plastic lemon juice bottles from the store. Put it on anything the dog likes to bits, then invite him to bite. UGHG lemon juice = tastes bad. Therefore anything that tastes like lemon juice is bad. That goes for hands, shoes, leads, anything else. Keep the bottle handy, squirt the dog directly in the mouth when it biters and say NO JUICE. usually after 2-3 times the dog learns not to bite. If the dog persists usually the word and the sight of hte bottle stops it.

Fourth, get some obedience training and socialization training. That teaches the dog to respect and recognize you as the source of all things good and it gets nothing when it is bad. This is called NOTHING IN LIFE IS FREE. The dog has to learn that to get anything it has to "work" and be good. That incluldes treats, toys, food, etc. "Work" means follow any command. Sit, stay, wait, down, whatever you want to use.


Henry Ruhwiedel
Westwind Kennels LLC