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My new puppy

18 18:03:21

I have a 4mo. old boxer,mix.  I had another dog which I took to obidence class, therefore I have trained my new dog with the main - leash training, she does heel fairly good - sit -come - and working on stay - the ? I have is - How do I get her to obey me when off the leash - especially to come to me when called, and not run off - I have only been working with her for 1 mo. and would it be a good idea to get her in a advanced class seeing how she knows the basic comands.


Yes, do as much training as you can at this early stage.  When teaching her things use what motivates her - probably food or games with toys, and make sure you are more exciting than the surroundings if off lead.  therefore, take her somewhere with no other dogs to begin with.  You can also tie a long length of lead to her so if she wanders off you can grab it and guide her back to you.  If she is motivated enough though then she should stay with you.  

Allow her plenty of time to run around playing, just make sure you have trained her to WANT to come back when you call her.
