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badly behaved puppy

19 9:10:07

(follow up queation) like i said he is attacking my older dog on a daily bases and we have been seeking advice from the internet which told us to let them fight for 10 seconds to see wether it was a fuss or a fight yet the puppy always seems to get the best and we have to brake it up almost as soon as it starts. it has got my dogs nerves shattered and it is so bad that they cant even look at one another. the vets said that if it doesnt improve then we could perscribe him some sort of drug to calm him but i am wanting to know how i could give that solution a miss.

i have got a 8month old jack russell and an 18month old, for some reason over the past couple of weeks the young of the two has been attacking the oldre one so we have him castrated yet he is still doing it. can you give me any other ways to prevent this?
It can take several months for testosterone to exit a dog's system after being neutered. At 8 months of age, the younger puppy was probably just beginning to enter sexual maturity, so it may be a few months before you start noticing any differences in his behavior. Then again, he may just be a dominant dog that is always going to have an 'edge' to him.

When you say he's been attacking the older pup, could you explain? When is this happening, how long does it last, and what do you/the other dog do?  

Again, when you say 'attacking my older dog,' could you give details? When are these attacks occurring? Are they over food, toys, you, etc.? Exactly what happens when they occur? How does the older pup react? How do you break them up? Etc. Have you consulted with a behaviorist?