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pottying in the house at 8 yrs old

18 17:53:46

Hi, I have a beagle and hound mix, she is now 8 yrs old. About three weeks ago she has started to go potty in the house. She is fully potty trained and has never done this before. We just adopted her about a year ago. She seemed to adjust well and has attached herself to me. So why all of a sudden is she pottying in the house? And how and i get her back on track?
Thanks mandy


It is likely that your dog might be sick, especially if these behaviors have never shown up before.  Another possibility is that she is stressed about something.  Have you recently changed locations?  Have you added someone else to the family?  Has something in her diet changed?  Is she getting more or different types of treats/bones?  Is she pottying right in front of you or when you are not looking?  Is she getting the chance to go outside often enough? I suggest that you allow her to go AT LEAST 4 times a day.

If it is a non-health related issue (check with your vet about this first), then try to figure out WHEN she goes potty.  If it is between 9:00 and 12:00, then you know that you need to be more careful around this time period.  Take her out more frequently during this time, and give her several chances to go potty in the correct area (outside).  

If it is a non-health related issue, please contact me again (after you have contacted your vet), and I can give you some more ideas regarding how to get her back on track.  If I am not available via the site, you can e-mail me at

Thank you!

Erin Goddard
Certified Professional Dog Trainer