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Friendly Rotty

19 8:59:22

Hello Erica
Many thanks for taking my question.
Our 1 1/2 year old Rotty loves everyone which is great but he greets strangers too exuberantly. He jumps on them.
We used the "no touch, no talk, no eye contact" method (The Dog Whisperer) with our friends who enter our home and this has worked perfectly. He basically ignores folks who practice this.
Strangers however do not do this and the dog goes absolutely crazy in his excitement.
It has reached the point where I fear he will knock a child or old person down.
This dog had basic obedience training, is well socialized (too much so maybe LOL) and a joy in every other way.
He gets lots of exercise as we have 200 acres in the country. Funny enough he won't go further than a 150 radius of our home if he is alone ( a Rotty trait).
Any advice you can offer would be very much appreciated.

It sounds like you are good step towards being where you want to be.  Start teaching him the "off" command-which is basically 4 on the floor.  When he is correctly greeting you and your friends, reward that behavior.  Ignoring him is definitely a start, as that is getting you what you want, but you also need to tell him he is doing what you want.    So when people come over and ignore him for a few minutes, and he settles down, have them give him a treat and some attention.  If he starts getting to excited, go back to ignoring.  He will learn quickly what gets the attention and what doesn't.