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Dog Urination

18 18:03:13

I have read your past answers related to this topic, but it seems my dog is special. Jupiter is almost a year old and for the most part is well behaved. He just likes peeing on our couch. We have reprimanded him in a harsh tone, we've taken him outside, we've put him in his travel cage since it's smaller than his play cage. We have bleached the covers and cushions over 5 times. When we put him in his "punishment cage" he just pees in there and doesn't care that he soils himself. We take him out every 3 hours in the day time, he does his business outside, but not even an hour later he pees on the couch. Any help?

Don't allow him access to the couch. At all. Ever. Also, do not put him in a 'punishment cage.' Dogs do not understand the concept of 'time out.' Unless you catch them IN THE ACT and scold them right then and there, punishment means absolutely nothing to them.

I would suggest that you use the tethering technique as described on my house training page, located at He should not be let out of your sight whenever you are home and he is in the house with you. Stop taking him out every three hours, and start paying close attention and taking him out only when he starts showing signs of needing to go. If he's tethered to you, or in the same room as you, you will soon be able to easily recognize these signs. This way, he will learn to go to the door whenever he feels the urge to potty, instead of going to the couch.