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walking me, jumping, really hyper

18 17:57:56

i was wondering how to get my dog that is not yet a year old to walk with me on a leash instead of walking me i have blisters on my hand trying to hold her cause she wants to run. also she is really hyper and jumps up and knocks me over almost i really need advise as people around here want $450.00 to train her i don't have that kind of money i can send pictures if needed but i need to do something. when shes not on a leash i can usually yell to her and she listens most of the time. thanks any advise would do.

Hi Laura

You don't mention your dog's breed/type but I'll assume she is a fairly active individual!

Firstly, to train and communicate with our dogs they need to be in a state to listen.  She must be well exercised off lead daily (around an hour total free running per day).  You also need to know what motivates her (probably play with toys, or food).  Once you have a dog which is calm to star with (due to being adequately exercised daily) and motivated by what you have (small pieces of chicken for example) you can ask her to pay attention to you and reward her when she walks with you and looks at you.  When she pulls, stop walking and hold the lead still, use your voice to encourage her back to you, reward her and continue.  It can takes a long time but gradually she will start to see that the only way to move forward with you  is to walk on a loose lead.

Also try no to make all walks end in something exciting such as to the park.  Do lots of lead walking round the block so she begins to loose some of the excitement.  It really is a case of getting out what you put in.

You don't need to yell at your dog ever - she has perfectly good hearing!  Just ensure you think about motivating her to respond to you and your relationship with her will blossom. Remember she is young and learning.

Good luck
