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18 17:48:32

QUESTION: Hey, I recently purchased a new outdoor dog. She is just a year old and is very friendly but full of energy. We also have an indoor doog, who we've had for a couple years now. The problem is our little indoor dog does not like our outdoor dog at all. Bandit, the outdoor dog, is friendly towards him and just wants to play but Koda, the indoor dog, hates her. I'm pretty sure he is scared of her because he keeps trying to hide behind us, but he does attack her at times too. How can we make them get along?

ANSWER: Hi Marianne. First tell me why the new dog is always outdoors.  What breed is she?   I'm trying to picture your situation in order to answer.  Has the new dog just moved into Koda's backyard?  Did you do any introductions before establishing the new dog in the yard?  Is Koda fearful of going into the yard now?  Is it necessary for them to interact or is there a way for each to have their own space?

Koda is attacking to keep the bigger dog away.  She's frightened, as you recognized, and attacking is her best way to keep the big dog from coming too close.  She may also be defending her territory from, what she perceives to be, an intruder.

If you take both dogs off the premises and walk them on leash, you might be able to establish a rapport between them so that Koda can realize that the big dog is not out to hurt her.  Do some parallel walking - one person with each dog - and keep a great enough distance so that Koda doesn't react.  Very gradually move closer, keeping a close eye on Koda.  If she starts to worry, make a greater distance.  

If things go well, you might be able to get them close enough to sniff.  Keep loose leashes and praise them both as they sniff and circle.  Watch for signs that either dog is getting nervous - whites of eyes showing, freezing, tail up and over the body and short stiff wags.  Keep these sniff sessions short - no more than 5-10 seconds at a time.  If Koda wants to re-engage, allow another short session.

Please get back to me with answers to my first questions and I may be able to offer more suggestions.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Bandit stays outside for the better part of the day, but does come inside the garage at night and when no one is around in the yard to supervise her. She is a husky/german shepherd cross. Koda lives inside the house unless someone goes outside to give him his exercise. We live on a farm and they are allowed to run around anywhere they want. For introductions, we put both dogs on a leash and let them see each other first, but thats when Koda got very upset and was growling and barking. Bandit ignored him for the most part, as she was more excited in her new surroundings. Koda will not go outside if he sees Bandit. This is a problem, as we cannot take one dog out at a time. We do need them to interact.
We used to have an older dog before Bandit, and Koda got along great with her. Its just that some dogs he seems to hate, and others he likes. Unfortunatly for us, he hates Bandit. Thank you for your time

Thanks for the clarification.  Use my suggestion of taking them off the property and allowing them to get to know each other from a distance on leash.  If Koda gets upset, you're too close.  Just make a greater distance, but keep walking.  You should gradually be able to get closer if you go slowly and watch Koda's reactions.

You can also do this type of thing in the backyard.  Walk around the perimeter at opposite ends, both dogs on leash.  Let them sniff each other's pawprints on the trail as you move around the perimeter.  If everything goes well, slowly close the circle so you are walking closer each time you circle.

If you go slowly and watch body language, you should be able to make progress over time.  If Koda can't relax at any distance, then you might find that these 2 dogs just can't live together.