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7 month husky/Samoyed mix peeing in the spare bedroom

18 17:59:41


I have 7 month old Samoyed/husky puppy that recently started peeing in our second bedroom. She has been desexed and puppy trained and she has not had an accident since she was 3 months old. We went away for a holiday over Christmas and left her in a boarding kennell and about 3 weeks after we came back this started happening. What do we do to prevent this? She has access to all areas of the house and she would usually go outside to toilet, but the past month it seems that she has been using our second bedroom as her toilet area. The room serves as our home office so no one sleeps there. If you could help me this would be fantastic.

Start with a new round of training to go outside, hourly trips so there is nothing left to urge the dog to go inside. Try the outside, mean,outside routine so potty is related to eating.  I would keep the dog in an easy to clean room (kitchen?) so it can't go in the office room. Only after the dog no longer goes in the restricted area then you can open the house to the dog. A good kennel provides the dogs with multiple potty breaks. Otherwise there should have not been any connection to kenneling.

Henry Ruhwiedel
Westwind Kennels LLC