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going potty by himself

18 17:52:46

we have a 9 month male neutered border collie mix from a humane society shelter.  He always wants either my wife or I in sight so has been easy to leash train with walking  following me and heeling well.  He was also easy with the potty training just take him ourside to the same area and tell him to potty and he caught on quickly.  However, when we say go potty but don't physical go out with him he will literally just sit by the back door if he sees us inside the house or keep going between our two back doors
if he doesn't see us.(when we stayed out of sight seeing us through the window wouldn't distract him) After 1/2 hour and his still doing this I went out and told him to potty as I didn't have time to wait him out  I was thinking of just waiting when we had the time to wait him out and taking turns with my wife watching him until his bladder gets the best and he has to go potty (even if it takes hours)and then try to quickly go out while he is still going (or within a few seconds) and do the good dog/reward bit  Is that the best way to handle this with a dog that likes to be like your shawdow?    He did have a big seperation anxiety chewing through one wire on his crate when we would leave for errands but that is over (we didn't make a big deal when we left or returned which seemed to solve that)

At the end you mention separation anxiety. The dog is wanting to feel safe and secure when it goes potty. So indulge the little critter and be with him when he goes. Certainly better than those dogs that don't want to go out!  You can inprove his security feelings with exercises (play) that build his self confidence level, socialization and obedience. Talk to a local pro trainer about rally style obedience, or agility and non competitive play. (win win vs win lose)

Henry Ruhwiedel
Westwind kennels LLC