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walking my 11 month old pup

18 17:52:46

I currently walk my 11 month old Golden Ret. on a harness - she continues to pull! I have tried a gentle leader (harness with clip on the chest) but that doesnt work for "Hannah" either. I have tried to stop dead in my tracks when she pulls, change directions, etc....The only thing I have not tried is a prong collar (I'm not too comfortable with those). Any advice would be greatly appreciated. :)

Hi Maryanne!!

Without trying to be lazy helping you, would you be so kind and read "Barking Schnauzer" which is to find at my answered questions, please first? The reason why is because I explained in detail why tools never work (Even if it "seems" like it) and what truly makes a dog pull.

If non of it ansered your questions, please feel free to write me again.


DogNanny 911