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What should i do?

18 18:03:06

My parents just recently adopted a year old mini pinscher. he was a stray for most of his life and we got him for free because the adoption people were trying to find him a home for so long. anyway at first he was extremely mellow and shy but then he started playing with my other dog, a long haired dochson. he's such a sweet heart too. when you hold him or sit with him he'll snuggle up to you. the problem is he's scared of a lot of thing. if we'll walk towards him he'll back up. he also goes to the bathroom on our floor and is a huge barker. my parents are thinking about getting rid of him but i have a lot of faith in him so i was hoping you could give me a few pointers on training him


The best advise I give you is to take him to obedience classes. Since you don't know much of his history it will help you bond, and give him some reassurance that he is in the right place. Your local Petsmart/Petco stores offer affordable training.
