Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > training toy poodle on wee wee pad

training toy poodle on wee wee pad

18 17:56:32

i have this one little cute toy poodle who is now 9 months
old..when i first brought him home, the first thing i do is
train him to go to toilet...after a few months he already
know how to to to toilet but later on he forgot i
keep on training him to go..until yesterday i find it very
difficult to train already so i decided to train him on wee
wee pad...but what should to train him all over again on a
wee wee pad??

Hello Tracy,

You should train your pup to go on command. You should
teach him a command like "go potty" by using it every time
he goes and praising him while using the phrase consistently.

Once he has learned what is expected, then you should be able to
teach him to "go potty" on his pads or anywhere else you choose.

Good Luck!
