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Shes too ... energetic?

19 9:05:07

We have a full breed Akita, little over a year and a half, and we've had her since she was 6 weeks. She's a really well mannered dog, and is nice, but she freaks whenever she sees another dog. Really freaks..whines, barks, jumps, cries, EVERYTHING, and I have the scars to prove it.
She wont stop when we tell her too, and it's really getting out of hand. She scratches me, and bites me if I try to collar restrain her. I don't get it! We've tried everything, even the reverse psycology thing where you reward her and tell her speak when she barks, so as to get her to understand, NO!, and stop when she's barking without command. with no avail. HELP!!!!!

Hello Jessi,

Although I'm not totally clear from your email as to whether your dog is showing aggression or simply wanting to visit, the cure would be the same.

First, you must keep your dog on a heel. If you haven't taught her to heel, go to training Chicago.htm and read the article on teaching the heel command.

Second, you should teach your dog the "watch me" command where she is to focus her attention on you.

Third, you must not anticipate her bad behavior when approaching another dog. Dogs are masters at reading body language and will pick up your nervousness. It is difficult, but you must remain calm, not tighten the leash and anticipate no problem when approaching another dog. Keep your dog in the heel position where she is FOLLOWING YOU not leading you. Use the "watch me" command and bump her with your leg if you see her attention starting to stray.

That should do it.

Good Luck!

Sandy Finley