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Trying to housebreak pup & she stops going

18 17:46:14

Rubie Rooh
Rubie Rooh  
Hello - I have a 4 month old female French Bulldog and we have started to try and housebreak her put we have come across a problem I have never been presented with before - she stops going inside and won't go outside once there isn't a pad in the apartment. She held her P&P for 8 hours until I freaked out and placed a pad in the apartment. After 5 minutes she went. I have had many dogs in my life and this has never happened.

My husband and I have tried everything - brought her P&P to place it outside, used pads, new pads, treats & toys - nothing, the pup refuses to go outside but loves to go out. Once in the apt she will not go in there because a pad isn't out.

I would appreciate any advice.

Thank you.

Hi Anna Marie.  Frenchies can be tough customers when it comes to house training.  The good thing is that she won't go in the house without a pad.  That will actually work to your advantage.

The next time you know she has to go (like first thing in the morning or just up from a nap), take a used pad outside with you.  Put it down where you want her to potty.  Keep her on a leash (or a long line to give her more privacy or space if you think she needs it). Stand in one place for 3 minutes - no talking or making eye contact with her.  Be as boring as a tree.  If she goes in that 3 minutes, have a party.  Give her a jackpot of treats, praise her and let her have some freedom to do whatever she wants to.  If she DOESN'T go, she comes back inside and goes in the crate for a half hour.  Then, try again.

Once she's going reliably on the pad outside, start to make it smaller each time.  Fold or cut it in half, then in quarters.  After a couple of weeks, she won't need it at all.

Give it a try and let me know how it goes.  Good luck!