Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > Training a border collie to ring a bell when it has to go to the bathroom.

Training a border collie to ring a bell when it has to go to the bathroom.

19 8:57:32

Hi, Do you have any advice on training a Border Collie to Ring A bell when it needs to go to the bathroom. My Border Collie is about 14 weeks old and has been going to the door to let us know that he needs to go potty but we dont always see him so it would be very helpful if he rang a bell instead so we could let him out.


Great that he is going to the door! Now lure and reward, while he is at the door waiting to go set up whatever you want him to ring (bell). Lure his nose to bell with a small treat when he touches the bell with his nose say "OUTSIDE" and reward him with the treat and place him outside. When he gets in a routine of touching the bell (always reward for a while so he is more likely to keep doing it)then start with him touching a bit harder to make the bell give off sound.
This can be done all you need to do is keep it consistent.Have fun training him.
