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breaking a beagle

19 9:00:29

do you have any ideas on how to break a beagle from running deer?

I can give you a couple of ideas, though I need more info to really give an adequate technique.

Heavily reinforce the dog working on correct scent.  Use a hide or set up the dog to be successful by trapping a rabbit (assuming you run rabbit with your beagle-I have seen people hunt other game with them) and working the dog on a guaranteed track.  Use a deer hide for the opposite, or even better if you know someone with live deer, work the dog near them and correct for any attention.  I personally use lighter corrections than most hunters, though some use e-collars.  I do not begin with that level of correction.  I will work obedience with the dog near the off game, so the dog associates correct game with freedom and hunting, and off game with obedience.  They will generally go for the freedom every time.  I also work my dogs in buckle collars-not their hunting collars.  Use food rewards both for ignoring the off game and for focusing on wanted game.  If your dog is one to play tug, a tug toy for attention to wanted game tends to work them up into a great mindset to run.

For a clearer technique, feel free to add the following info:
How old is the dog(s)?
Is/are the dog(s) currently running deer?
Have they/it been trained on correct game-specifically, taught the scent before being turned out?
How many are you talking about-1 dog, or the pack?
If you run a pack, what are the other dogs ages/habits?

I hope this helps,
Erica Slomka
Jumpin JACS Dog Training
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