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Territory Peeing

18 18:01:54

We have two dogs in my house. The first one that arrived is a little Jack Russell. He never marked the house until our Mini-Pincher arrived. They go outside all the time and know to go pee outside, however when no one is around they will pee on the furniture, walls, boxes etc..   How do we train them not to do this?

First, you need to manage them when you aren't present so they can't do that. Are they crate trained? If not, they could be in an Xpen (probably a covered xpen for a Jack Russell, as they are great climbers and jumpers). If you don't see it happen, there is nothing you can do to prevent it. When you are able to watch them, they must be carefully supervised. Use baby gates - even tether them to you so they are not out of your sight. Interrupt them when they start to sniff. Any time you can't watch them, they need to be contained. Belly bands might also be useful, as well as thorough cleaning of soiled areas with an enzymatic cleaner. Are they neutered? That doesn't always solve the problem, but it might help. Sandy Case BFA MEd CPDT