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anxious rescue dog

18 17:56:27

2 months ago I adopted a small 2 yr old rescue dog(brussels griffin mix)I was told the dog lived in a cage for 2 years in a small room with 30 other dogs. She can be very sweet but even after 2 months of constant attention she hides most of the day constantly looks at doorways and paces when not hiding. very scared of most people. Will only eat food off the floor not in a dish but will not eat unless we confine her to an area where there is no place to hide. She can be very loving with myself and my daughter one minute and skiddish running away and hiding the next minute. What can I do to help her be more relaxed

I hope she has a crate to retreat to. Feed her in her crate. And do put it in a dish, she'll eat it eventually. Keep the crate open so she can retreat to it when she feels the need and keep it close to where people often hang out, like in the living room. If you need to, use the crate training tips at

It may not seem intuitive, but firmly establishing your role as her pack leader will also help visit for tips on this. Take her for daily walks (preferably twice a day) avoiding situations that upset her.

Other than that, you will have to accept that this isn't going to be a super social dog. She WILL improve. It has only been 2 months. You can't undo 2 years of isolation in two months. Lots and lots of treats and, if she likes other dogs, it might do her some good to have company every once in awhile if you know anyone who has a friendly dog about her size.