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dachshund aggressive behavior/barking

19 8:57:52

When our dachshund sees someone across the street from our house, say working in the yard, or in their own garage, he will burst out of the door, (he needs opportunity for this, so we are careful, but things happen- he is small, smart and wiry and can squeeze out the door say when someone is going out, etc.)
Anyway he will run across the street barking and come within a few feet of the person or persons, barking at them. Not only is this embarrassing, but a total nuisance. thanks!

Mary, first, he needs to learn not to bolt through an open doorway. I just explained how to teach this to another user, so I'll copy/paste from that answer for you:

To do this, you will need to start saying a short phrase or word as a 'command' every time you take him out through the door for a walk or romp in the yard or whatever, and preventing him from EVER running out the door on his own (via use of the gate).

After a week or so of you saying a 'command' every time you allow him to go out the door, you can start teaching him that he must wait until you say that command before he goes through the doorway. He will need to be on a leash and collar (not a harness) for this. You can try it with a regular flat collar, but if he doesn't respond to the correction on a flat collar, you will need to purchase a training collar. For a dog his size, a martingale or prong collar is most appropriate. A slip/choke collar could be harmful to him because of his small size. I will include a link to both a martingale and a prong collar at the end of this response, in case you do not know what they are.

After you attach the leash to his collar, walk him to the door, which should be closed for now. Stand so that you can easily reach the doorknob with one hand, and control the leash with the other. Use your dominant hand on the doorknob and the other hand on the leash. Open the door just a crack, because it's likely he'll try to go right on through and you DO NOT want him to be able to cross that threshold! As you are opening the door ever so slightly, keep an eye on him, and the second he takes a step towards the opening, you should correct him and immediately shut the door. Now, when I say to correct him, this is what I mean:

1. Verbal correction - "ahht!"
2. Leash/Collar correction - Give a quick jerk backwards (ie: away from the door) on the leash, but not so hard that you jerk HIM backwards. All you want to do is snap the slack out of the leash and immediately give the slack back. There should be no tension on the leash before or after the correction.
3. Shut the door
4. Repeat

IMPORTANT: Praise him when he stands still and does not attempt to go through the open door.

When he no longer tries to go through the small opening, you can start opening the door a little further and a little further, until he will remain standing even when you open the door all the way. When he will do that reliably for several sessions, you can then start giving the command to go through the door, and take him on through.

Secondly, you should NEVER have him outside off leash for now, so that you can correct his aggressive outbursts towards other people, and I would also suggest that you really work on his recall command, so that if he >>does<< start to take off towards someone off leash, you will be able to call him back to you.