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Housebreaking/Crate training

18 18:00:13


We have a seven month old soft-coated wheaten terrier, that we have had since she was 8 weeks old.  We have been trying desperately to housebreak her, but nothing is working.  

At the suggestion of our vet we have been trying to leave her in a crate during the work day, because she was going to the bathroom and being destructive when we weren't home.  For a week or so she would hold it all day.  Now she defecates and urinates in the crate, and ends up covered causing hours of extra clean-up.  If we leave her home outside of the crate she goes and will not be housebroken.  If we leave her home in the crate she goes and makes a mess 10 times worse than if we leave her out.  

We have read several books, hired a trainer, and she still is not housebroken.  Is there anything we can do?

I've answered questions in this area several times lately. Please browse my postings. Briefly, the dog is telling you it wants more attention and if it can't get it being good, it will get it by being bad. The dog needs obedience training so you are seen as the pack leader. Second, it needs more exercise time out of the crate and third, hourly potty walks with praise when it goes.

When it does soil the crate, put the dog out, then clean the crate otherwise the dog sees you as its servent.  You also need to use the nothing for free program: dog must obey a command to get anything, food, treat, toy, etc. no means no.

Meanwhile, cordon off an easily cleaned area (kitchen, garage, etc) for the dog to be in and not use the crate. Put a blanket, small amounts of food toy or treat in the crate so the dog learns it is home, and not the bathroom.

Henry Ruhwiedel
Westwind Kennels LLC