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puppy help!!!!!!!!!!!

18 18:00:13

Hello Sandy,

I have a problem and I am not sure how to fix this.  We have a lovely 2 year old male Puggle (pug and beagle cross).  He is fixed and well behaved.  We decided to add another pup to this dogs life as I am gone for 5 hours a day and thought he would enjoy the company.  

We brought home an 8 week old female JUG (Pug and Jack Rusell).  The two dogs seem to get along fine, however, the puppy (now 12 weeks old) seems to be showing aggression towards the older dog.  She bites him constantly, (I guess this is normal puppy behavior).  I watch them play together and make sure it does not get out of hand.  The puppy also steals all the older dogs toys from him, right out of his mouth.  I keep telling the puppy "no" but she does not seem to get it.  I give them both the same toys, but she must have them all.  She also growls as the older dog.  The older dog is very gentle and just looks so sad.  Is there some technique I should be doing to teach the puppy that aggressive growling and stealing from the older dog is not acceptable.  Help, I am not sure what to do.

Any help or suggestions would be great.


With very young pups, they have what's known as puppy priviledge, when adult dogs allow them to get away with a lot of rude behavior. It may be that as she gets older, your male will discipline her (and if he does, that's a good thing). He may also be the kind of dog who will continue to let her get away with it, in which case, I'd teach her a good "leave it" and other obedience which can give your older dog a break. I'd also give him time to play when she's not present.
It would be excellent if you could find an appropriate older dog who will put her in her place and teach her some manners without actually hurting her. The thing is, when you get a mixed breed of two very different breeds (like Pug and JRT) you really don't know which breed characteristics the pup will end up with. JRTs can be very pushy, and sometimes dog aggressive. She may end up bossing him around, and he may be willing to accept that. By good leadership and training on your part (I'd find a good puppy class for her) she should be able to learn to defer to you, and not try to run things herself. Sandy Case BFA MEd CPDT