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chocolate lab

19 9:01:34

Hello, I ham an owner of a chocolate lab, Jasper, who is about 17 months old. My boyfriend and i live together and go hunting allot. Jasper is a great hunting dog but we cannot get him to pick up a dead bird and bring it back. He also has a problem of eating or gnawing on the birds such as pheasants, geese, or ducks.  He can fetch toys, like sticks, bones, or balls, but will not put the bird in his mouth and bring it back. He will run to them and find them, but will just stand there. Again, he eats birds too and this is a problem, we have a shock collar but he still sniffs around them and seems keep doing the same thing. If you could give me advice on how to fix these problems that would be great. Thanks! Melissa

Hi Melissa, without actually seeing your dog, his desires, and what his present understanding of remote training is, it would be difficult to say what the procedure would be to get them on the right page of how we do things.  Here is a bit of an instructional clip that I did with a dog that is actually a Rottweiler and had come to a seminar of ours a few months earlier with a muzzle on, and was ready to eat all the dogs, and all the people in the place.  The owners of this dog did a great job with him in following the instructions, and we are even able to do some retrieve work with him in this video with objects that a dog would not normally want to take.  This dog demonstrates a basic understanding of our training.  We have hundreds of videos on our site that may help you, and we will be coming out with a series of instructional videos in the near future.  Hope this helps you some, but it is difficult without actually seeing your dog obviously.  Here is the clip from a dog training seminar that I did on teaching a dog to retrieve.