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Possessive Agressive

18 17:51:02

Our adult lab/jack russell mix has recently become possessive of certain objects. She is very mild tempered and great with our child, but recently has begun stealing small stuffed animals or socks and is very possessive of them. We will put her outside for hours and she will not drop what she is holding. We have previously worked with her on the drop command, but there is no treat she is willing to compromise for. Please help with training technique suggestions.

Labs are retreivers, therefore, the hot button is somehting it can hold in its mouth as that is what it knows to do. Get it some dog items it can carry around, that also serve as mental stimulation (foodin a kong for example) a hard rubber ball.  We train the dogs what they can have and not have by playing catch with two people. Each person holds the object, says my toy, then passes it to the next person, after a few turns, you ask the dog, want my toy? and make them sit/wait while you hand it or put in (not drop) on the floor by the dog. Then tell the dog to take it. Praise the dog. Then pick something the dog is taking you don't want it to have, and play, but after a few passes, put it away and tell the dog, "my toy". You can put your scent on the items you want the dog to have.

Henry Ruhwiedel
westwind kennels llc