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Dog Pooping in House

18 17:49:18

I have a 8 1/2 year old male Yellow Lab that has been neutered. It is completely housebroken, but has has pooped in the house once a day for the last three days and a couple of times last week. We also have another dog and they both stay in the basement when we are out of the house.  We have never had this problem  before and now all of a sudden it has started.  It is not every time we leave the house, just some times.  Yesterday, I went to work for 7 hours, came home for 3 hours and then went out for a few  hours in the evening. I saw him take care of business outside before I left, but then when I came home a few hours later, he had pooped in the floor.

Any suggestions?

Any time an older dog suddenly has a change in his bowel habits, it's time for a vet visit.  Sometimes, old dogs have arthritic changes that causes them to become incontinent of bladder or bowel.  They can also get things like irritable bowel syndrome.  You also want to rule out parasites or any other problems.  Once that's done, if your vet thinks that it's behavioral in nature, you would want to assess whether there have been any significant changes in the dog's life.  Dogs sometimes forget their house manners after the addition of a new baby or another pet, when there's been a divorce, if the family moves, schedules change, etc.  That might require the dog to have some remedial training.