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2 new puppies ( introductions )

18 17:47:49

I have 2 new puppies! Bella is a 4mo old Pitt bull, and Tiny is a 2mo old Chihuahua, they are both female and neither have been fixed. I really want them to get along and be able to roam around the house together without bella killing tiny! how do i train them to be accepting of each other. Right now I have been crating tiny, and letting bella sniff her with a safe barrier, but bella doesn't really care about tiny unless she outside of the crate. i have also tried to hold tiny well bella sniffs her but then bella tries to be very playful and nip at tiny and pounce on her, and I'm afraid tiny is going to get hurt. What should I do?

Sofia, this combination of young dogs is going to be very hard to get together.  I would seriously reconsider the decision to bring both these dogs into the same home at the same time.  The pitty is going to want to play, but the chi is too small to be a good playmate - and may always be too small to be an appropriate playmate for the strength of a pit bull. I can't see good things happening here with this combination of breed and age.  You might have better luck with an adult pit who is tolerant of puppies, but doesn't want to play so much.

This is my opinion of course, and if you choose to keep both dogs, I would get both dogs into a puppy class that offers play time with dogs of similar size.  Here are the best places to find training in your area:

Sorry I can't offer much training advice via the internet with this type of situation. It will definitely require in-person professional help, possibly in your home so the trainer can work with you directly.