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Housebreaking a five month old Rat Terrier..

19 9:05:06

"We got our female Rat Terrier two months ago and she is still having accidents in the house.  I do not punish her for them if I do not see it happen, but I do say "No, pee-pee outside" if I see it happen.  She then goes to the door, but it is already too late.  We have tried many things.  She is crate trained and I take her out immediately after putting her in and taking her out of the crate, it is still not working!  We have a bell hung from the door, and she rings that when she has to go out, but it is mostly just to play!  I am running out of ideas on how to potty train our puppy... I look forward to hearing from you.. Thanks!

Hello Jamie,

It seems some of the smaller breed dogs can be difficult to potty train.  You say she is crate trained, so I assume she is not having accidents in her crate.    You are doing the right thing re taking her outside immediately after taking her out of crate.  

I would try keeping her on a leash when she is out of the crate and watching her every second in the house.  The moment she starts to squat pick her up and immediately take her out.  

She may need more time in the crate until she becomes familiar with where the appropriate place is to relieve themselves.   I know that can be hard to do, but it really does help.  Only after she eliminates outside should she be given freedom in the house for a little while.

I usually take the dogs right out immediately after they wake up, about a half hour after they eat or drink a lot of water.   

If she is going outside to potty and only playing instead, I would again suggest use of the leash - outside (even if the yard is fenced).   I would keep her on the leash until she goes potty and then give her the playtime she wants.  I try to ignore the dog as much as possible until the deed is done -- then we have a little party.  Keep your pockets full of treats!
