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Dog circling problem

19 8:58:59

Hi, I have a one year old Alaskan Malamute bitch and she has started walking or running around in circles for no apparent reason. Unless I stop her it can go on for a very long time. She has cataracts in both eyes but we don't know how much vision she actually has but she doesn't tend to bump in to things that often and seems to manage ok. We have 37 acres of land that she is able to run around in so she has plenty of space.She has also lost quite a lot of weight since she has started this behavior and I am now starting to worry. I have owned 4 dogs of this breed and trained all of them but I have never come across this problem before. I would appreciate your advice on this matter. Hope you can help me, Janet

Hi Janet,
This is really something for your vet to solve, and I'm a bit surprised that you haven't gone that route already.  At any rate, dogs that circle might be exhibiting a stereotypical behavior problem, but they could also have a neurological and/or vision issue.  She could also have nystagmus, and the movement of her eyes can be diagnostic as far as whether it's serious, or will just wear off on its own.  I would also question inner ear problems, tumors, etc.  In a dog only one year of age, this might be congenital, or not, but perhaps serious.  Don't just let it go on - get her examined, especially since she is losing weight.    This is also a bitch that I would spay immediately, provided there is no medical reason not to.