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Lab wont eat...

19 8:57:29

Well my Chocolate Lab, Bailey, is 6yrs old. We've owned her for 5 of those. We got her from a family with 2 small kids. She was too high strung for them so we took her in. Over the years she's learned sit, stay, lay down, give paw, and how to give hugs. She even knows the difference between her collar and leash. A little over a month ago I moved into a new house with my fiance. Our old place didn't allow pets so she stayed with my Mom and Step-dad. She really enjoys our new place since she has a huge yard to play in, we take her for walks, and she's always got someone to play with her. Over the last few weeks she's taken what I thought was a strong liking to my fiance. She would always run to him first and listen to him, and now she will only eat when he is home. I can hand feed her, but she should be eating by herself. She's never done this before and the issue isn't getting any better. I am in NC right now for business and I had my mom watch Bailey at her house. She eats just like normal at her house. I'm baffled. I'm not sure if its that she's scared of him and eating without his approval.. but I'm worried she's going to keep loosing weight and that she isn't happy. She is also perfectly healthy and had a vet checkup about a month ago... Can you help me please???

Thank you,


From what you tell me it seems to be that Bailey might have associated you as the designator hand feeder.
I would first make sure she is healthy you said she has been to your vet, next make sure she is on a good quality food that your budget can afford. Labs are pretty active dogs and need their food to keep them going.
Set up a routine for feeding, if possible feed same time same location everyday. Next feeding time at your house you can place a small amount (1.teaspoon) of low fat plain yogurt mixed with her food. Yogurt once and a while is good for her.
I would not hand feed her,. If you place the bowl down and she walks away, then she walks away. Soon I believe she will get hungry enough to know that she should eat.

Hope this helps
