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shitzu sam

18 17:49:56

sam is really good the problem were having is that when i take him out he does his dootie i then say good boy that he knows is good and sometimes give him a treat....but sometimes after going he will later piddle in family room..i've noticed he goes to the patio doors  so i get up right away..should i  stay out longer??and should i take him out more frquent..he does not do this all the time.but enough to be concern..its really cute at night we put him in crate and cover and say nighty night and he goes to sleep.adorable.sam is about 6 months old.any advice would be great.. thank you lisa quinby

He may not be completely house trained.  You could take him out more frequently, but you should also supervise him diligently while he is loose in the house and watch for any signs, such as circling or sniffing, that suggest he may have to go again.  Pups generally need to eliminate fairly quickly after they eat, drink, awaken from sleep, or play.  Also, try cleaning any areas where he has urinated with an enzymatic cleaner, such as Petastic or Simple Solution, so that the odor is completely eliminated and he isn't as tempted to go back to the same spot.  Good luck.