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licking and tables

19 8:59:11

I have a puggle I got a year ago and absolutely love her, but I am having some issues with her.  First she has an obsession with licking things.  She does not make holes but she licks my pillow, sheets, blankets, and carpet in front of my chair all the time.  It is kind of unpleasant to get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night only to get back into bed where there is a wet spot from her licking.  She also likes to attack underwear and chew them up.  

I also cannot leave her in the house alone during the day loose because she jumps up on the coffe table and kitchen table.  I do not want them scratched up but I cannot get her to stop.  

Last issue I have with her is the barking.  I live in a neighborhood where a lot of cars and people go past my house.  When she is outside she runs up and down the fence like and has worn a path into my new grass and barks non-stop.  I am afraid to leave her outside while I am work because I do not want the neighbors to complain.  She has recently started barking a lot in the house too.

I really love my dog and she is wonderful most of the time other than these couple of things.  She is very spoiled and loved, I would just like to correct a few things with her.  Any suggestions you can make I would love to hear!!!! Thanks in advance...

Hello Jennifer,

I'm afraid you can't have it both ways. You drive your dog crazy with affection and then you're dismayed when she acts crazy.

All dogs, including yours need discipline, exercise and food, and affection in that order. The fact that your dog is "spoiled" would indicate that you are doing things backwards. All the issues that you relate are the result of the stress your dog is feeling because you want her to be a little human rather than a dog. The issues will go away when you change. It's that simple.

For a more detailed explanation, I'd suggest you read my article on what your dog truly needs at

Good Luck!
