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Terrified Juggernaut Dog

19 9:01:45

I have a 9 year old black lab mix who lives in our basement with a small terrier mix where they have lots of room and easy access to the backyard. The lab is terrified of fireworks so on the 4th of July and New Years, he barks relentlessly and scratches on the basement door to get access to the apt with me and my family (my parents do not like having him up here with us at all). The scratching got so bad we had to screw a metal sheet onto the door and he shredded that sucker right off.

I guess my problem is a two parter.

1st) There are no fireworks going off and I have no clue what's triggering this behavior. I think it might be something affecting their hormones or something. Both dogs are unneutered males and were really horny yesterday when the lab wasn't trying to claw his way out of the basement.

2nd) If I can't find the trigger, how do I restrain him? I got so desPerate the other day, I wrapped his forepaws in duct tape to make the scratching stop! He's broken through chains and scratched and chewed through wood and metal to get out of the basement. The only reason we still even have a basement door is because I eventually let him up and let him chill in my room from time to time. I've tried giving him relaxants I've bought at my pet shop; one does nothing, the other made him throw up for 5 days (and I just gave it to him on the first!)

I try and be as good of an owner as I can be considering I have to keep my two dogs living in the basement/backyard but if this keeps up, I think my parents are going to give them away (at least my lab).

Pretty desPerate here.

Hi RadRad,

This is the type of question that makes me want to cry. I'm going to be a little harsh here and I will apologize beforehand.  You need to rehome your dogs.

All dogs, (especially Labs!) need human companionship and daily EXERCISE. Living in the basement is in no way an ideal situation for any dog. Labs want to be with people; it's what they've been bred for generations to do: BE WITH PEOPLE! It's the reason they are the most popular breed.  They are easy to train and love being with us.

Your Lab is clearly telling you he doesn't like being alone and he wants to be with you. He clearly needs a lot more exercise to keep him mentally healthy. His behavior isn't hormonal at all. He's extremely lonely and it sounds like he's extremely underexercised, under stimulated, and under trained.

I want you to think about these questions honestly:
Why do you have a dog that isn't part of the family?
What are you doing to stimulate your dogs' lives?
What do your dogs do that make you want to keep them?
Would you like living in the basement/backyard with no access to the family?
Would you like being scared and living alone?
Would you like living drugged 24/7?

It is never an easy thing to do, giving up dogs, but unless you are willing to have dogs be a part of your everyday life (living WITH you and not just in the basement)and providing for all their needs (food, water, exercise, mental and physical stimulation, companionship, training, health care etc), then you shouldn't own dogs.

I'm sorry to be harsh about this but there isn't anything I can tell you do to stop your dog's lonliness except what I've mentioned here.

Good luck,
