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Digestion and walking

19 9:10:53

Hi -

I've been wondering about the best time to walk the dog (Norwich terrier) in relation to his feeding time. In other words, how long after eating before he will need to go out?

For instance, suppose he wakes up at 8AM, and I'm going to be out from 10AM to 2PM.

1. Would it be better to wait until just before I leave before feeding him, or should I feed him right away?

2. If he's going to eat right away, is it better to walk him before eating, or wait until afterward? Does it matter?

I've been feeding him right away, then walking him. He usually urinates and defecates pretty quickly - I assume this is from yesterday's dinner, not today's breakfast. Is that a correct assumption?


Hi Steve!
  It sounds like you have a great deal of love for your boy.
 The assumption that when he goes it is from yesterday varies on a number of factors but generally thier digestive system moves right along and it is probably from his last meal.  One way to tell how fast his system is moving is to put about 10 kernels of corn in his dinner bowl with his food (the corn wont hurt him, actually alot of dog food is corn based, but it is preferrable to feed him a meat based will be the first ingredient on the list on the bag of food) Check his stools and when he passes the corn you will see haw fast his system is excreting food.

  Now for your questions;
1.) Always feed your dog at least an hour before you leave.
2.) Walk him about a half hour after feeding this way he will be able to relieve himself instead of holding it all day and/or having an accident while you are gone

 Make sure on the hot days he has plenty of water!
Thanks for the question and good luck!           Beth